Thursday, July 19, 2007

Five years...

For those of you that view the blog from time to time, beware! The following message is intended for my husband. Feel free to read and know a little of how I feel about him or don't read...and mind your own business ;) This blog is not private so please feel free to enjoy me being a romantic...whoda thunk it! Oh yeah, if you want a little more "our song."

It's about 10am and if you were to ask me what I was doing at this very moment 5 years ago I would respond...changing my life forever. Five years ago I met my bestfriend in the LA Temple and married him. Although, I think I may have scared him a little since I showed up late. My thoughts on marriage have certainly changed since I've been married. Five years ago I would have said that marriage was all about love and compromise and happy feelings. Now I think I would have to say that marriage is all about hard work and sacrifice. Love is what makes you do all the hard work and sacrifice. I am grateful that Jeff does all that for me everyday. I am grateful for how much he loves our kids. I don't say thank you enough to Jeff, but I know that he sacrifices and works hard for me. I'm so happy that I married my bestfriend and I know that all these years have been a blessing. Especialmente para Jeff...You were the only one that knew how to help me and how to support me when our two beautiful babies were born and I would not have had it any other way. Fuiste el unico y eres mi unico. You're the only one that knew me enough to challenge me. Te amo todos los dias mas y mas.

1 comment:

julie said...

How sweet...glad to see the love still growing!