Wednesday, April 23, 2008

go Dodgers!

My brother has been saying that he was going to take Veronica to a Dodger game and he finally got the courage to do it. Veronica didn't want to admit it but I know that she was really excited to go. She was practically pushing us out the door so she could head out with her tio (uncle in spanish) in his "bumble bee car". When she was delivered safely home she told us she ate fruit snacks and cotton candy for dinner. She's allowed some spoiling from her tio. Thank you tio, admit it, you had a fun time!

I asked Veronica to eat some beans for lunch, since she was probably going to eat junk at the
Dodgers game. She actually ate them!

Here she is with that cotton candy.

I don't know where she is...can you explain tio?

I guess she's in some car shop that tio helps out in.


ecuakim said...

I sent Clark off with his tio a couple months ago to the mall to play while I hosted a baby shower at my house...he gave Clark a whole bottle of raspberry green tea! He actually poured it INTO CLARK'S SIPPY CUP! So, cotton candy is no biggie. Needless to say, we had a little chat about the Word of Wisdom.

Hey, love the new blog background!

Angela said...

Does David still have his mohawk, or did you shave that off, too?

jackie e said...

he has a miny mohawk, we cut his hair shorter, it looks cleaner cut now.