Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Red car & water bottle

My 2 babies, Vanessa and David, have been obsessed lately. Vanessa just in the last week or so has emptied my bag daily in search for my water bottle. Once she finds it, she pops open the lid and drinks my water. Then she walks around with the bottle and spills it all over the floor. She's been very determined to do things on her own, like eating and drinking and she even struggles with me when I insist on holding her hand while we walk in a parking lot. It's cute and annoying.

David has loved cars his whole life. It was for that reason that we showered him with cars for Christmas, and so did Santa. We bought him all sorts. Does he attach himself to any of the fancy cars we got him...NO. I don't really know where he got this little red car but he's pretty attached to it. He sleeps with it, eats with it and brings it everywhere. One morning he woke up screaching because he couldn't find his car on his bed. Like most kids, he forgets about it on ocassion but once he realizes it's gone...he is heartbroken.

1 comment:

Sheena said...

The INFAMOUS RED CAR!!! I love it! I know it probably drives Mom and Dad crazy, but for us looking in from the outside, it's adorable to watch how attached he is to it. I didn't know about Vanessa's water bottle craze. That must be so fun for you too!