Tuesday, July 31, 2007

B & W

I just discovered this black & white feature to our digital camera. Which is your fave?

Monday, July 23, 2007

it's all fun and games until...

Veronica lays the smackdown on little bro.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


I think there may be a flaw in the poll that is directly to the right. It doesn't seem to keep track of the votes.
Has anyone ever tried buttermilk pie? Jeff and I had some for dessert on our anniversary. It was delicious. It's definitely a must try, but only once a year or so. If it tastes that good, it must be bad for you, right?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

This is how I found Veronica...
She woke up this morning at 5:30am...'nough said.

Five years...

For those of you that view the blog from time to time, beware! The following message is intended for my husband. Feel free to read and know a little of how I feel about him or don't read...and mind your own business ;) This blog is not private so please feel free to enjoy me being a romantic...whoda thunk it! Oh yeah, if you want a little more umph...play "our song."

It's about 10am and if you were to ask me what I was doing at this very moment 5 years ago I would respond...changing my life forever. Five years ago I met my bestfriend in the LA Temple and married him. Although, I think I may have scared him a little since I showed up late. My thoughts on marriage have certainly changed since I've been married. Five years ago I would have said that marriage was all about love and compromise and happy feelings. Now I think I would have to say that marriage is all about hard work and sacrifice. Love is what makes you do all the hard work and sacrifice. I am grateful that Jeff does all that for me everyday. I am grateful for how much he loves our kids. I don't say thank you enough to Jeff, but I know that he sacrifices and works hard for me. I'm so happy that I married my bestfriend and I know that all these years have been a blessing. Especialmente para Jeff...You were the only one that knew how to help me and how to support me when our two beautiful babies were born and I would not have had it any other way. Fuiste el unico y eres mi unico. You're the only one that knew me enough to challenge me. Te amo todos los dias mas y mas.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Tummy time for David.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Bath time

I took David in for his 4 month check-up and immunizations. I think David had an idea that he was going to get shots because he was really upset the whole time we were at the doctor. He took his shots pretty well, he didn't cry much afterwards. That was nice for me because I hate seeing him feel pain. His weight and height were average, they didn't comment on his head size...hmmm. He weighed 15.8 lbs. His new thing is rolling over. It's bad news because we can't leave him on the bed or anywhere high now because his instinct is to roll over. Back to stomach is what he does. Veronica started rolling over that way too. He can do it stomach to back when he gets a little angry. He sticks his butt in the air and manages to shift his weight in the direction he wants to roll and manages to move quite a bit. That's the latest and greatest news of David...more to come.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Exclusive interview

Zuma Adventure

It was a lovely day at the beach...we were just at the wrong beach. David's first beach trip was pretty miserable. It was really cold and windy.
Veronica had fun playing in the sand. She's wearing her daddy's aloha shirt. As we were leaving Jeff asked, "Is it ever worth it to come to the beach?" If you have kids you can relate.

Red Dragon

Tengu in Westwood. This is what I do when I am without kids and hubby. So far it's only been once, but I think I deserve it.
Who knew that Veronica was an expert at playing dominos. I think she was cheating, but her abuelos didn't seem to mind.
This is Veronica's best friend. She used to call her "Mickey" but has learned that her name is Vicky. Vicky's birthday party.
We've been trying to get Veronica to release her frustrations out on the pinata. She finally understands the concept...hit (or as Veronica likes to say... POP) pinata and it gives you candy. We're still working on her candy gathering technique. She was a little sad that she had to pop the princesses, Sleeping Beauty being her favorite.

Does it seem like all babies do is...