Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Veronica the 9 year old

My first born turned 9. Reading that makes me feel old. Enough about me, because this post is about the 9 year old not me. Veronica doesn't like to be called a child or a kid or young lady. Don't know what else I should call her. A girl with simple and complex needs, a girl full of creativity and imagination. She continues to read a lot, and to destroy reams of paper in an afternoon. Her needs are simple and I'm convinced she has some kind of super immunity to the common cold.  Her determination cannot be broken, which is probably how she managed to stay healthy when we were all staggering with illness this past year. Anyway,this is her last year as a single digit. It's monumental for a kid, I mean human. She has been talking about going into 5th grade and how she will no longer be one of the little elementary students. I'm terrified yet delighted that she does not have my anxiety about it.  I was always a wreck when it came to new things, transitions, changes, or any decision that would impact my immediate future.  But, I don't really see that in Veronica the human 9 year old. She is wreckless.  Not in the bad sense either. She is wreckless, as a human, should be at 9 years old.  She doesn't worry about how awful a mess she will make if she decides to pull out every single toy in the closet just to have playtime with the other kids, or if making a peanut butter sandwich is okay when her littlest sister decides to dig into the jar with her hands. It makes me lose my cool a lot but after I think about it I know she isn't deliberately trying to promote havoc.
This human is creative, questioning, compassionate, thoughtful, loving, inventive, loyal and beautiful. All things that I admire about her. If you don't know this human, you should. I think I'm a good judge of character and this one will keep you having fun, will wear you out and love you immensely.  Happy Birthday, Veronica!

Sorry about the bad quality pics. I grabbed these because I didn't bring my actual camera.

Requested Olive Garden lunch on her birthday.

Birthday outfits! Ha! No, we had a church Halloween party the night of her actual birthday.  

The glowing birthday cake! 9 candles makes for quite the little fire. 
David, Veronica, Layla, Violet and Vanessa. 

Birthday cake with the family. Cousin Layla. 

Violet turns 2?

I apologize for the lack of posts on my part. Does not mean I have nothing to say, just been too lazy.

So, my little Violet turned 2 in July. I know I know. I say this about all of the birthdays but I truly feel like Violet's birthday snuck up on me. But that little girl, who is sweet wisdom on toast, has officially turned 2. Some things about my Violet, she is quite simply everything that completes this family of ours. She has stolen my heart and softens me with her shy smile or her incredibly bad temper. We were camping during my Violet's birthday. Which seems fitting. Why? Mostly because Violet came to us in unexpected desperation and although it took a while for me to say out loud that I was having a fourth baby I loved her immensely. So, what does it have to do with camping? Nothing really. But, the thought of camping with 4 children sure sounds like desperation causing leisure. Yet I look forward to these opportunities to make fun memories with my family. Yeah, it's a stretch. Violet is a girl of few words. I joke around with people that Violet secretly reads the dictionary and has a very extensive vocabulary but she just isn't interested in speaking to everyone. I don't worry too much about her not talking very much because she is very smart and understands more than her quietness lets on. One of the few words, leading up to her birthday, that she would tease us with is "wa." Wa is yes. She uses a lot more words these days but wa is my favorite. For a while, Violet would simply grab someone's hand and point in the direction of what/where she wanted to go and people would do it. So, I can't blame her for taking her time with her words.  Unlike my other kids, Violet has been the most attached to me or Jeff. She is very possessive of us and to be honest I kind of find it sweet.  Violet represents peace and wisdom. Sometimes I wish more adults were like Violet. Anyway, Violet is so much more than what people see. I'm still discovering things about her little personality that are refreshing to a very weathered soul. She is a good fit in this family. She is sweet but can hold her own ground when one of her siblings wants to sway her. She's got quite the temper. She is a powerful and quiet little dictator. She commands the other kids because they want to stay on her good side. Violet sits next to me while I'm trying to read and so delicately moves the hair away from my face so she can see me. She smothers me with kisses everyday and if I don't let her close the van door she will throw a fit. Violet doesn't like to be told what to do. It has to be her idea and everyone has to understand that she is not a performer. Her actions/words/gestures are all with a purpose and I truly believe that. Violet's first two years have been the balance that I have needed. I'm so grateful for how much this quiet, little dictator teaches me and for the kisses that she bestows upon me. 
So, I made a piƱata out of a cereal box and we had a cupcake at the campsite just for her. She got super shy when we sang to her and she was happy with the simplicity of it all. We all love our Violet and for how she challenges us and loves us. Happy birthday to the most beautiful Violet.

Violet with the pinata.  

 The birthday cupcake. It was really windy so we all had to huddle around to keep the candle lit.

Sitting on Tio's lap for some more cupcakes. This time she's clean and the family is all around.

Thanks for the bow, Tia!