Thursday, June 26, 2008

Preschool interview...

We had an "interview" at the school that Veronica might be attending. It's a school right on our block and it's pretty ghetto, like our neighborhood, but it's free and it's 4 days a week. We figure the school system can't possibly be that bad, it's preschool! It's an SRLP or something like that. When I first went to the school to ask questions they basically told me that the kids that spoke spanish were given top priority. Since then I've been telling Veronica that she needs to speak more spanish so that she can go to school. Anyway, a week ago they were "interviewing" the parents, but it was mainly an informational meeting about the expectations they have of the parents and their involvement in the program. They didn't even really care if the kids were there. I spent the whole day before drilling Veronica on her spanish, thinking they would ask her questions in spanish or anything...but they didn't. Phew! I just hope that she gets in, it would be nice for her to have the social interaction with the kids and have a teacher/student understanding. So far all she gets is Primary. Who knows, maybe she'll start talking more spanish, that would be awesome! She is so excited to go to school, and always talks about it whenever we walk by the school.

In front of the school doors. Pretty ghetto with the cross bars on the windows. That's good old Winnetka Elem.

1 comment:

ecuakim said...

How often do you guys speak Spanish with your kids? Is it all Spanglish, or do you say everything twice or what??? We're trying to figure out how to teach Clark...