Monday, August 11, 2008

Earthquake drill

I think it was a couple of weeks ago that we had an earthquake. I had the kids sit under our kitchen table until it was over. The kids thought it was fun and Veronica has added "earthquake drills" to her play schedule. I took these pictures of the kids practicing for "the big one."

Doing some computer time.


mindy said...

That's funny... cute!

Jenny said...

We used to have tornado drills in elementary school--no joke! This totally reminds me of it. They would make us go out in the hall and duck and cover. Somehow it always seemed to be on days I wore a skirt to school, and that was very traumatic for me as a child! :)

In response to your comment on my blog, you SHOULD come sleep over!!!!! When are you coming? I'll have the place ready...


julie said...

If only an earthquake could be so fun :) We sit on the couch a lot pretending like we are on an airplane, ha ha, kids love to imagine.

Misti Lee said...

Not a bad idea. You just never can be too prepared!