Friday, April 24, 2009

Look mah, no cavities!

Veronica and I had dental cleanings/check-ups today. Veronica was very excited to go and "be brave" and I was quite dreading it. Veronica was so patient and cooperative and was a great example for me. Anyway, I promised her a special treat if she did a good job and she did and she didn't have any cavities to boot! So, we hit the store and she asked for marshmallows (go figure) and then she thought about smores and so that's what we decided to do.
David was a good helper when we started but then he realized that he would be more helpful if he put the chocolate in his mouth.

Finished assembly of the smores. so yummy! Veronica inhaled her dinner so she could enjoy her smore. David has yet to try it because he didn't want to eat dinner.

A video of us putting the smores together.

1 comment:

Sheena said...

That is a great incentive. I'll go to the dentist...but will you and the kids make me s'mores?