Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nothing like a good book to relax. Yeah, this is our first attempt, not very successful. Is potty training a boy the same as a girl? That's all I know so any advice would be helpful. I'm tempted to just do the no diaper thing for a few days, but it will have to wait until I'm not pregnant because I can barely keep up with this little guy let alone clean up any accidents.

We took the kids miniature golfing and I pretty much knew that David would just hold the ball the entire time...and I was right.

Veronica requested a pink ball and they actually had one. Anyway, she was more willing to at least play along with us. It looks here like she has a really good stroke. Veronica is painfully uncoordinated and so this shot really took some least she tried!

At the pool where, again, David refused to participate in the touching of water. I was a bit more relieved than annoyed because that was one less kid to worry about in the water. He was just as happy sitting and watching.

Veronica loves any and all hot tubs. She justed soaked and let her stresses, what toys she forgot and the dimishing pink in her wardrobe, just soak away.
Veronica so helpfully openned all the eggs and David ate everything that was in them. I don't know if that was very helpful, but she certainly thought she was being helpful.

Winnetka Park has undergone some playground rennovations and this is Veronica enjoying the rock that they placed on the sand portion of the playground. They've added this soft paddy-floor thing under the slides and then a huge sandbox with swings. I wonder how long before it gets trashed.

You know how long I've waited for this to happen? It's too bad Veronica gets as tired of pushing David on the swing as I do.


Jenny said...

I LOVE that she loves the hot tub!!! The genes must be altered from all of the 2am hot tub trips at the good ol' Villa! :)

Sheena said...

Man, you guys have been busy! It is so cute to see the two of them play well together and enjoy each other. Also, at the same time it's neat to see how they're so different. The park looked like a lot of fun. We totally missed out.

julie said...

love all the pics, david is really looking grown up these days. I've heard the letting them run around without the diaper thing works but who knows. I waited until Hailey asked to use the toilet so I didn't have to stress about it but every kid is different.

Angela said...

cute pictures and funny words, I salute your blogging abilities