Monday, July 06, 2009


We've had a very busy June so I have not had much time to post. Vanessa continues to grow and to make herself known. She enjoys warm milk, sucking on her fist and cuddling really close.
We finally moved! For those of you who have ever been to our apartment the recent layout was 2 toddler beds in the living room and in the bedroom was our bed and a baby crib. It was quite the setup. We now have a lot more room and don't really know how to fill it.

Vanessa has been growing and is such a sweetie.

Jeff and Veronica right before their "Daddy Daughter Date." He took her to the movies.

Already embarrassed when I want to take a picture with him!

Here are the kids in our new home!

My mom holding the little princess. Her blessing day.

1 comment:

julie said...

Did you buy a house?