Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter pics

This was taken right after church, needless to say that David was ready for his nap and Veronica was protesting her mandatory Easter nap. (We told her that the easter bunny would not come unless everyone took a nap)

Here are my boys taking naps. David doesn't usually sleep anywhere but his crib but he loves to cuddle with daddy and therefore made an exception.

Happy kids, after their naps and finding easter bunny surprises.

Trying his share of jelly beans. We love the Starburst Sour Jelly Beans.

Checking out their new candy stash.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Very P.C. Spring "Nut" Hunt

Painting an egg. She looks so focused and very serious.

Having her face painted.

That's the saddest easter bunny I've seen. Veronica wasn't scared of the mascots but this picture may tell a different story.
As we were leaving the festivities, my sleep-deprived 3 year old decided to act as if I was kidnapping her in the parking lot. She had a big-time meltdown. I caught a few glances in my direction but not so much of wondering if I was harming her but more of pity and "I feel for that mother..." type of glance. Kids...if they only knew what we go through just so that they can have a fun day.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Decorating and Playing

Yeah, I know what you're thinking...ONLY 4 eggs. I was debating whether or not I should do this activity with Veronica and decided in order to maintain a dye-free carpet that I should only do 4. By the end of the coloring she wanted to put everything in the dye to see if it would change colors.

She had more fun with the glitter.

Trying to get a shot of how tall I can get his sweet mohawk. And yes, I did buy hair gel just so I could do it.

How can daddy say no to this face? Little does David know what awaits him...

David doesn't seem too thrilled about Daddy doing this to him. I'm proud of him for not dropping his cookie. Just one of the many reasons why I love Jeff so much, he's such a wonderful dad.

The kids are all laughs at Daddy being silly.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

No pictures please!


Friday, March 14, 2008

Watch out world

He looks so determined. He only needs the proper motivation, who knew that the motivation was outside away from me!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

"...right right, a party!"

Name that movie. (Clue: it's an animated/cartoon movie since that's all I watch now a days)

We celebrated David's party with a little family get together. My parents and brother came over for the party. Lots of food and good times. Fun was had, thanks David for giving us a reason to party and celebrate. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

Veronica hiding under the table. David trying to take daddy's food, and as you can see he still has some on his face.

This is the extent of my decorating skills...I know pretty pathetic. There's a birthday banner but I didn't get pictures. The whole dump truck was from my baby shower but it looked cooler how they did it rather than my attempt at a chip holder.

When there's a get together I have to make spinach dip. David liked it. It's so yummy but so not healthy even if there is spinach in it.

David wasted no time sticking his hand in and getting a taste.

Here he is after his birthday cake. That extra hand in the picture was Veronica rubbing the frosting into the table...thanks Vero. Oh yeah, thanks Rachel for the BYU shirt that David is wearing!

After the cake, we threw David in the tub for a quick wash (he had cake everywhere, even on his back...don't ask me how that happened). Eating the tissue paper. He was more interested in how the paper tasted rather than the presents that were wrapped. Look closely and he has a wad of paper already in his mouth. He's also wearing some of his new birthday clothes (thanks to the abuelos).

Lots of laughs and happy times. Happy birthday to you!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

One Year Baby!

March 4, 2007

March 4, 2008

Molten+Chocolate+Cake= Muy muy bueno

It's hard to believe that this little boy came into the world last year. He was so tiny. David's first official birthday party is this Saturday, but we did some fun things on his actual birthday. We went to the park and just a little sidenote...I seriously get motion sickness pushing the kids in the swing, then we went to the grocery store and picked out some birthday treats. I was going to make snacks but I was just lazy. Veronica picked out the treat, lime jello. We came home and had jello. We then waited for Jeff to come home and went to Chili's for a birthday dinner. Jeff and I love their molten chocolate cake...yum! We were going to go just for dessert but I was too lazy to cook dinner, again! David is at a very non-sitting stage. Needless to say the restaurant was what I imagine torture to be like. He wouldn't even eat any of the cake...more for us! Happy freaking birthday kid! Love you so much, you make us smile so much. Once we got home he was super happy and all smiles.