Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter pics

This was taken right after church, needless to say that David was ready for his nap and Veronica was protesting her mandatory Easter nap. (We told her that the easter bunny would not come unless everyone took a nap)

Here are my boys taking naps. David doesn't usually sleep anywhere but his crib but he loves to cuddle with daddy and therefore made an exception.

Happy kids, after their naps and finding easter bunny surprises.

Trying his share of jelly beans. We love the Starburst Sour Jelly Beans.

Checking out their new candy stash.


Tiffany said...

Easter bunny after naps- that would have been a fabulous idea! I love the Easter outfits- you all look so adorable. I love your dress, is that a new Easter dress for you? I wanted a new Easter dress but being 9 months pregnant probably isn't the best time to buy new clothes!

Jenny said...

You look great! That is such a good picture! (I love the grumpy kid faces!)

Angela said...

Cute Easter pictures!

Unknown said...

mohawk. oh, mohawk. so great.

Adam Zollinger said...

love your dress Jackie and the kids are adorable.. ok Jeff you look pretty good yourself! Happy belated birthday to you mohawk boy! can you believe he's one! Love the family shot.. Veronica is getting so big and tall. miss you guys.

julie said...

I love the colors you put them in. That reminds me, I forgot all about the easter pictures, maybe I'll post a few.

Kaity said...

Jackie, you look so cute and thin! Very cute family shot.