It has been a miserable last few weeks with David, he has been going through major teething discomfort. At first we thought it was one bottom tooth. Once the bottom tooth poked through we found that his two top teeth were just about to come in as well. Needless to say, it's been miserable and now he is the proud owner of 3 teeth. The top ones aren't all the way through, just the bottoms, they look like grains of rice actually.
So, Veronica had her check up at the pediatrician where she was anticipating receiving shots. She kept asking the nurse if she was going to shoot her. Anyway, she took the shots pretty good, she yelled ouch but didn't cry. It was when they were drawing the blood out of her finger when she started to cry. It didn't last long because I promised her fruit snacks when we got home.
The day after her super awesome birthday party, actually at 2am, Veronica was screaming and crying. We go to check on her and she had puked all over herself and her bed. We thought it was just because of all the candy she had eaten but realized that she just kept puking. She puked for 2 days straight. It is pretty sad to see this little fireball of energy so subdued and quiet. Can it get any better? Nope! Sunday night, after Veronica puked all day, David started to cry. So I go to check on him and he too had puked all over himself. I cleaned him up and was hoping he just ate too much and had to let it out. To no avail. He spent most of the night dry heaving and the better part of Monday throwing everything up. Two sick babies! I don't know what's worst as a mother, I couldn't really do much besides clean up the puke and comfort the kids afterwards. After a long long couple of days the kids were blessed and now it seems to be all least I hope it is. The kids haven't puked in 15 hours, yes! I'm so happy, tired but happy.